Jungle coworking
Community office in Szeged

A rendszeres coworking irodai szolgáltatásokon kívül többféle üzleti megoldást és kikapcsolódási lehetőséget kínál.
Prices are flexible, with day tickets, monthly passes and membership options.

Community spaces

– There are 12 workstations where the refrigerator and printer are located.
– 6 workstations, two 8-sided tables.
– 2 workstations and a conference table for 4 people.

Meeting rooms

– Toucan meeting room for 6 people.
– Lion meeting room for 8 people.

Workshop room

16 fős, maximum 20 fő fér el benne.

Coach room

This is a small room with 3 armchairs.

Become a member with us!

You can be a member of a community, and you can take advantage of various discounts, that we and our partners provide. 


Szeged's newest coworking office is located close to the heart of the city, on Római körút, and is easily accessible by bicycle, public transport or car.

Contact us!

For more information and reservations, call or visit us.

Telefon: +36 30 555 4932
Email: jungle@junglecoworking.hu
